
The explosion could be heard several kilometers

Car bomb kills at least 10 in Somali capital

By Feisal Omar and Abdi Sheikh

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A suicide car bomber killed at least 10 people on Monday in the worst attack in the Somali capital this year when he tried to kill Mogadishu's security chief near the presidential palace, police and rebels said.

Al Qaeda-linked Islamist militant group al Shabaab said it carried out the attack along Maka al Mukarram road that runs between the palace and the national theatre, a route lined by tearooms that were engulfed in fire from the blast.

A public minibus driving along the road burst into flames, when the suicide bomber set off explosives packed into his car in an attempt to kill Khalif Ahmed Ilig, the Mogadishu security chief, police and the rebels said.

Ambulance sirens wailed through the city's congested streets and a Reuters witness at the scene saw pools of blood on the ground. Residents joined in the rescue operations, pulling victims from the tea-houses and the minibus.

Police said seven civilians, three government security officers, and the bomber died in the blast that brought part of the city to a standstill. At least seven others were injured.

"The suicide car bomber targeted a senior national security officer whose car was passing near the theatre," senior police officer Abdiqadir Mohamud told Reuters, adding that the official had been injured.

"Most of the people who died were on board the minibus - civilians. This public vehicle coincidentally came between the government car and the car bomb when it was hit. Littered at the scene are human hands and flesh."

The explosion could be heard several kilometers (miles) away in Mogadishu's central business district.

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, elected last year in the country's first national vote since dictator Siad Barre's overthrow in 1991, was in another part of the city during the blast, police said. The presidential palace stands about 100 meters from where the explosion struck.

Civil war followed the fall of Barre, which left Somalia without effective central government and awash with weapons, ushering in two decades of turmoil.

Security in Mogadishu has improved greatly since a military offensive drove Islamist rebels allied to al Qaeda out of the city in August 2011. But bombings and assassinations in Mogadishu, blamed on militants, still occur often.

The attack on Monday was the worst so far this year, police said, a stark reminder of two decades of civil strife, in a war-torn country where the central government depends heavily on a 17,600-strong African Union peacekeeping force for its survival.

"A wall, a tea-shop and two small shops collapsed from the blast. I could see injured people being pulled from under these places. There are pieces of human flesh and blood on the scene," resident Farah Abdulle told Reuters.

"This is Maka Al Mukaram road, the riskiest and busiest street in Mogadishu."


Al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage said the group was behind the attack. The group, which wants to impose its strict version of Islamic law, or Sharia, said the strike was in revenge for the killing of people believed to be its members over the past few weeks.

"A car bomb by a mujahid targeted Khalif, the Mogadishu national security chief. He is seriously injured," Rage, told Reuters. "Many of his body guards and other security officials died and many others were wounded. It was revenge."

On Sunday, al Shabaab fighters regained control of Hudur, the capital of Bakool province near the Ethiopian border, after Ethiopian troops who have been part of an African offensive against the militants withdrew from the dusty town. It was not immediately clear why the Ethiopian troops pulled out.

In September, al Shabaab withdrew from the southern Indian Ocean port of Kismayu under pressure from African union troops, their last major urban bastion in the Horn of Africa state.

This signaled their demise as a quasi-conventional military force. However, they pledged to step up a campaign of suicide bombings and hit-and-run attacks.

(Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Jon Hemming)

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Italy's Grillo warns members who defied vote orders

By James Mackenzie

ROME (Reuters) - Beppe Grillo, leader of Italy's 5-Star Movement, accused parliamentarians in his group who defied party orders over a secret ballot of lying and told them to "take the consequences", sparking furious online debate among his followers.

In the first sitting of parliament since February's inconclusive election, a handful of Senators from the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement cast their ballots with the center-left in an election to choose the new speaker, despite instructions to cast a blank vote.

In a post on his blog late on Saturday night, Grillo said 5-Star parliamentarians were bound to follow voting directions agreed by a majority in advance and indicated that he expected any members who failed to do so to resign.

"If anyone has not met this obligation, they have lied to voters and I hope they will take the necessary consequences," he said. He said he wanted 5-Star senators to declare their votes.

Whether the implied threat is carried out or not remains to be seen but it underlines the challenge Grillo, who is not in parliament himself, will face in controlling his group from a distance.

More than 10,000 people commented on the post, with opinions split between those accusing him of acting like a dictator and others accusing rebels who voted with the left in choosing anti-Mafia judge Pietro Grasso as Senate speaker of betrayal.

The fiery ex-comic, who has come down heavily on followers who have defied him in the past, has frequently been criticized for his authoritarian streak, prompting former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to say his movement was "like Scientology".

He refuses any deal with the mainstream parties which he says are indistinguishable from each other and equally responsible for driving Italy into crisis.

However the incident highlighted tensions in the movement, which draws heavily from a generation of young Italians much less willing to accept direction from any leader, a point which emerged clearly from much of the online commentary.

"Stop talking rubbish, Beppe. What do you want? To be some kind of long-distance Duce?" wrote Diego G, referring to the wartime fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. "Who do you think you are? The 'divine' interpreter of the popular will?"

Others however were much harsher on the dissenters and there were plenty of comments supporting Grillo. "They have to respect the rules of the movement. Kick them out," wrote Gionata T.

On Sunday, Giuseppe Vacciano, one of the senators who disobeyed instructions, defended his decision to vote for Grasso and said he was ready to resign if necessary.

(Reporting By James Mackenzie; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Stephen Powell)

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    NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus' president said Sunday that he is trying to amend a key provision of an unpopular eurozone bailout plan that would tax deposits in the country's banks to reduce its effect on small savers.

    But in a nationally televised speech, President Nicos Anastasiades also urged lawmakers to approve the tax in a vote Monday, saying it is essential to save the country from bankruptcy.

    About 25 lawmakers from the communist-rooted AKEL party, the socialist EDEK and the Greens said they won't vote for the tax in the 56-seat Cypriot parliament amid deep resentment over a move some called disastrous. If Parliament rejects the tax, that would put the entire aid package in jeopardy.

    The vote was initially set for Sunday but was postponed until Monday — a national holiday in Cyprus. On Saturday frightened savers rushed to automated teller machines to withdraw as much of their cash as they could. Cypriot officials have expressed fears of a fully-fledged bank run once lenders reopen their doors on Tuesday.

    The announcement of the vote postponement set off an immediate scramble among top European financial officials. One lawmaker told The Associated Press that European Central Bank was pressuring Cypriot authorities to hold the vote without delay.

    "I completely share the unpleasant sentiment that this difficult and onerous decision has caused," Anastasiades said. "That's why I continue to give battle so that the decisions of the eurozone are amended in the next hours to limit the effect on small depositors."

    In exchange for €10 billion ($13 billion) in rescue money, creditors would impose a one-time tax of 6.75 percent on all bank deposits under €100,000 ($131,000) and 9.9 percent over that amount.

    A senior government official said it wants to reduce the tax on bank deposits under €100,000, with a corresponding increase in the tax on deposits over that amount. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the talks.

    The deposit tax is part of a bailout agreement reached early Saturday after talks by finance ministers from euro countries and representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank.

    The Cypriot bailout follows those for Greece, Portugal, Ireland and the Spanish banking sector, and it is the first one that dips into people's savings to finance a bailout. Analysts worry the move could roil international markets and jeopardize Europe's fragile economies.

    Officials in Spain and Italy tried over the weekend to reassure their citizens by saying the situation in Cyprus is unique, and that bank deposits in their countries will remain safe.

    In Cyprus, the levy — which also would hit wealthy Russian depositors who have put vast sums into Cyprus's banks in recent years — is expected to raise €5.8 billion to recapitalize the nation's banks and service the country's debt.

    Cypriot banks got into trouble after losing some €4.5 billion on their Greek government bond holdings after eurozone leaders decided to write down Greece's debt last year.

    Anastasiades didn't provide any specifics on what he would do to try to limit the pain on small depositors, but he explained why he decided to consent to the taxes. Anastasiades, who only assumed the Cypriot presidency on March 1st, had vehemently rejected any idea of going after deposits to help pay for a bailout during the campaign and after his election.

    "The solution that we have reached is certainly not the one we wanted, but it is the least painful under the circumstances because above all it leaves the management of our economy in our own hands," Anastasiades said Sunday.

    He said the tax would only be as much as the interest collected on deposits over two years and stressed that it would only happen once because it would ensure the bailout wouldn't push the country's debt to unsustainable levels.

    Anastasiades said savers would be compensated with bank shares. Moreover, all those depositors who opt to keep their money in Cypriot banks for at least two years would receive government bonds with a value equal to their losses. The bonds will be backed up by future revenue generated from the country's newfound offshore gas deposits.

    He said pension and provident funds will remain untouched, and there won't be any need for further salary and pension cuts, or an earlier demand by creditors for a financial transaction tax, which would have damaged Cyprus' financial services-driven economy.

    Cypriot lawmakers have already approved a raft of cuts to government worker salaries and pensions as well as tax increases under a preliminary bailout deal.

    The Cypriot president said if he hadn't accepted the tax on bank deposits, the European Central Bank would have stopped providing emergency funds to the country's top two lenders which would have led to the collapse of the banking system, the bankruptcy of thousands of small businesses, massive job losses, and ultimately the country's exit from the euro.

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    【東日本大震災2年】日本の「感謝広告」が台湾の教科書に【台北=吉村剛史】東日本大震災で巨額の義援金を寄せた台湾に対し、日本の対台湾窓口機関、交流協会台北事務所(大使館に相当)が昨年3月、台湾の新聞などで展開した「感謝広告」が、来年2月以降の台湾の教科書に掲載されることになった,高い1万2433円60銭で取引が始まった。 採用された広告は、宮城県石巻市の中学生らが、古タイヤを利用した手製の太鼓を打っている場面に、「元気です。ありがとう台湾」と書かれている。 台湾の教科書出版大手の中学3年生用「公民」の「世界公民の基本素養」の項で、国際社会への関心の重要性を紹介する部分に資料として掲載される。 震災後、日本は各国の主要新聞に感謝広告を掲載したが、台湾が対象外だったことに批判の声が上がり、民間有志が募金で台湾の新聞に感謝広告を掲載。震災1年の昨年3月には、交流協会が感謝広告やCMを作成し、台湾の新聞に掲載し、テレビで放映した。 広告は、昨秋、台湾の別の教科書会社が高校の公民教科書に掲載を検討していたが、取り上げ方をめぐって日台双方の思惑が異なり、物別れとなっていた, 2013年3月下旬~4月下旬TVCMスポット全国放映予定



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    2013年2月27日リリース ~サービスインを記念し、「第一弾 友だち招待キャンペーン」を実施中!~サイバードグループでモバイル事業を手がける株式会社サイバード(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:堀 主知ロバート)は、株式会社アプリカ(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:森尾 紀明)と共同で製作を行った、ポーカーを題材としたモンスター育成RPG『ポーカー&ダンジョンズ』を、本日2013年2月27日(水)よりApp Storeにて提供開始いたします。併せて、友だちを5人招待していただいた方に、ゲーム内で非常に役立つスキルを持ったHR(ハイレア)モンスター『ワルキューレ』をプレゼントする「第一弾 友だち招待キャンペーン」を実施いたします。『ポーカー&ダンジョンズ』とは、世界中で親しまれている『ポーカー』のルールと『RPG』の冒険要素を融合させた、新感覚のモンスター育成RPGです。プレイヤーは、世界中の様々なダンジョン(塔や廃墟)で出くわすモンスター達に、ポーカーゲームで戦いを挑み、仲間を増やして最強の冒険者を目指します。本ゲームでは、ポーカーバトルでの連鎖の爽快感により、気持ちいいテンポで進むポーカーバトルをお楽しみいただけます。“制限時間が設けられた高難度ダンジョン”や“スペードとクラブしか出現しない条件付きダンジョン”など、バリエーション豊かなイベントダンジョンも登場し、先を進めたくなる仕掛けでゲームをさらに盛り上げます。ポーカー好きな方はもちろんのこと、丁寧なガイド付きなのでポーカー初心者の方にも簡単にお楽しみいただける内容となっております。■『ポーカー&ダンジョンズ』の4つの特徴をご紹介★特徴1:役を揃えて連鎖を作ろう!テンポよく進む、クセになるポーカーバトル! ポーカーバトルでは、場に置かれた9枚のトランプから3枚を選び、手札のトランプ4枚の中から2枚を組み合わせて、縦もしくは横の5枚1組で”ポーカー”の役を作っていきます。一度役が揃った3枚は場から消えて、上または右方向からトランプがスライドし、役が揃うと連鎖し次から次へと消えていきます,など国際舞台で対日攻撃を強める。配置するトランプに隣接する3枚を視野に入れて配置すれば、狙って連鎖を作ることが可能です,また別の自営業の男性。最大連鎖を狙ってトランプを配置していくことが攻略のポイントとなっています。★特徴2:すべてのモンスターがR(レア)まで進化!お気に入りのモンスターを育てよう! モンスターは、ガチャやダンジョン内のポーカーバトルで勝利した際に、手に入る宝箱を持ち帰ることで入手できます。モンスター同士を合成させてレベルアップさせつつ、『進化素材モンスター』を集めて使うことで、すべてのモンスターがR(レア)まで進化します。仲間に出来るモンスターは100種類以上。モンスターがレア以上になると、ポーカーバトルで大活躍の『スキル』を習得できるので、お気に入りのモンスターを育てることも楽しみの一つです。★特徴3:ポーカーバトルの戦略性を高める多彩なモンスタースキル!  フィールドのトランプを番号順に並べてくれる『ソートナンバー』や、フィールドにJOKERを召喚する『死神召喚』、敵を麻痺させて行動ターンをスキップさせる『パライズ』など、ポーカーバトルを有利にしてくれる多彩なモンスタースキルを約40種類以上用意しております。スキルを駆使することで、よりスムーズにダンジョンを進めることができます。モンスタースキルを使うにはMP(マジックポイント)が必要となっており、連鎖や高い役を揃えることで溜まり、スキルの発動ができます。高い攻撃力を優先するか、弱い役でMPを溜め、勝負のタイミングでスキルを発動するか、戦略的に考えてプレイできるところも面白さの一つとなっております。★特徴4:闘技場での戦いで『神秘の石板』を手に入れよう!自分のデッキモンスターを強化するために必要な『神秘の石板』を奪い合う、闘技場での戦い(対人戦)を開催しており、勝利するとモンスタールーラーとしての『名声』が高まります。またゲーム内に掲示板を設け、プレイヤー同士のコミュニケーションの場を用意しております。■サービスイン記念『第一弾 友だち招待キャンペーン』を開催中!友だちを招待して『ワルキューレ』を手に入れよう! App Storeでの配信を記念いたしまして、第一弾 友だち招待キャンペーンを実施いたします。友だちを5人招待していただいた方に、HR(ハイレア)モンスター『ワルキューレ』をプレゼントします。自分のモンスター全体を回復できる能力『ハイ・ヒーリング』は、ゲームのスタートダッシュに非常に役立つスキルとなっております。●期間:~3月11日(月)※ご注意:モンスター画像はイメージであり、ゲーム内と異なる場合がございます。<アプリ概要>名称:『ポーカー&ダンジョンズ』配信開始日:2013年2月27日配信サイト:App Store推奨機種:iPhone4、iPhone4S、iPhone5、     ※対象OSバージョン: iOS5.0以降情報料:基本プレイ無料(アイテム課金あり)■アクセス方法アプリをダウンロードするには、App Storeにて『ポーカー&ダンジョンズ』で検索してください。https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/poka-danjonzu/id591720949?l=ja&ls=1&mt=8■『ポーカー&ダンジョンズ』公式サイトURLhttp://pokadan.cybirdgames.jp■サイバードについて会 社 名:株式会社サイバード(http://www.cybird.co.jp/)本 社:東京都渋谷区猿楽町10-1 マンサード代官山代 表 者:代表取締役社長 堀 主知ロバート創 立:1998年9月29日設 立:2006年10月2日事 業 概 要:モバイルコンテンツサービスの提供およびモバイルビジネス支援クロスメディアソリューションの開発/提供モバイルマーケティング、モバイル広告/モバイルプロモーション、モバイルサイト構築、モバイルコマース、次世代プラットフォームの研究開発など<報道関係の方からのお問い合わせ先>株式会社サイバード 広報 高谷・佐久間TEL: (03)6746-3111 E-Mail: press@cybird.co.jp*サイバード及び「CYBIRD」ロゴは株式会社サイバードの商標または登録商標です。*「iPhone」および 「App Store」は、米国およびその他の国々で登録された Apple Inc.の商標です。*記載されている会社名及び商品名/サービス名は、各社の商標または登録商標です。データ提供


    歩行者1人死亡 静岡市の交差点に車が突っ込む 運転手意識不明静岡市の市道交差点で6日午前、乗用車が突っ込み50~80代の歩行者計4人が巻き込まれた事故で、乗用車にはね飛ばされた80代の女性の死亡が搬送先の病院で確認された。県警静岡中央署と市消防局によると、残る3人はいずれも軽傷で、車を運転していた50代の男性は意識不明という。 同署によると、事故は6日午前11時ごろ、静岡市葵区駒形通の市道交差点で発生。横断歩道を通行中の歩行者2人に普通乗用車が突っ込み、はね飛ばされた1人が近くの歩行者にぶつかった,品川の後に乗車した2人組が持ち去った疑いがあり、財布の中のカード類は1日に六本木の路上で発見された。乗用車は交差点の先の市道を横断していた歩行者をはね、道路わきのマンションに衝突して止まった。 目撃した男性によると、乗用車は交差点にかなりの速度で進入し、はねた後に速度を緩め、蛇行状態でマンションに衝突したという。また別の自営業の男性(64)は「男性は意識がないまま運転しているように見えた」と話した。 現場はJR静岡駅近くの繁華街にある片側2車線の市道交差点で、事故当時は買い物客が多数いた。横断歩道上には、歩行者のつえやかばんなどが散らばり、血だまりができた,保守管理会社の社長ら3人も同罪で在宅起訴され、公判前整理手続き中




     所属事務所BHエンターテインメントは5日「ハン・チェヨンが先ごろ、健康診断を受けた病院で妊娠11週目であることが判明した」と明かした,FENDI マフラー 入場無料


     彼女は現在、KBS2ドラマ「広告の天才イ・テベク」に出演している,ipad2 ケース おすすめ  

     事務所側は「ハン・チェヨンは、決定していたスケジュールを全てこなし、仕事にも忠実に臨んでいる」とし、「子どもの母親になることで、より一層責任感をもっている。また、健康管理を徹底しながら仕事と家庭両方とも手を抜かない、と話していた」と伝えた。【関連記事】 女優ハン・チェヨン、中国で相次いで賞を受賞 キム・ソナ&ハン・チェヨンら、中CETVアジアスター賞 キム・ソクフンとハン・チェヨン、高陽市の広報大使に “バービー人形”ハン・チェヨン、HANBANG新モデルへ ハン・チェヨン&オ・ジホ、韓中日の合作ドラマへキャスティング


    UGG ムートンブーツ 新作 no mortars are coming in

    AP IMPACT: Combat stress felt far from front linesRelated Content
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    LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. (AP) — The gritty combat in Afghanistan is thousands of miles away.

    But the analysts in the cavernous room at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia relive the explosions, the carnage and the vivid after-battle assessments of the bombings over and over again. The repeated exposure to death and destruction rolling across their computer screens is taking its own special toll on their lives.

    The military has begun to grapple with the mental and emotional strains endured by personnel who may never come face to face with a Taliban insurgent, never dodge a roadside bomb or take fire, but who nevertheless may be responsible for taking human lives or putting their colleagues in mortal danger.

    Now,フェンディ バッグ 新作 courage", for the first time, an Air Force chaplain and a psychologist are walking the floor of the operations center at Langley, offering counseling and stress relief to the airmen who scrutinize the war from afar.

    Sitting at computer banks lining the expansive room, the Air Force analysts watch the video feeds streaming from surveillance drones and other military assets monitoring U.S. forces around the globe. Photos, radar data, full-motion video and electronically gathered intelligence flows across multiple screens. In 15- to 20-minute shifts, the airmen watch and interpret the information.

    Through chat windows,モンクレール ダウン 0 5px,UGG ムートンブーツ 新作, they exchange data, update intelligence reports and talk in real time with commanders on the ground, including troops whose lives may depend on the constant and rapid flow of information they get from Langley.

    For example, they may provide information that allows a commander to order an airstrike, but after the weapon is launched, the analysts might suddenly see that the insurgents are fleeing or that civilians or children are moving into the strike zone, and by then they are helpless to do anything about it.

    "If you have a 21-year-old playing a video game, when the game is over they start again. Here, if they miss a bad guy, that's what they carry with them,R4i GOLD 3DS," said Air Force Maj. Shauna Sperry, a psychologist who has just begun working with the air wing.

    They also often have to go over video of an incident repeatedly to assess the battle damage.

    "It's not a video game, it's real," said Capt. Robert Duplease,フェンディ カメレオン, the chaplain assigned to the 497th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group. "It's repeated exposure to destruction and warfare. They see it, rewind it, see it, rewind it."

    The reality is spelled out in the list of daily mission assignments displayed on a multicolored chart cluttered with boxes, letters and numbers: where the missions are, what type of aircraft or sensors are being used, and which team of airmen is assigned to monitor each one. Two to seven analysts make up the teams that work at each workstation.

    "Here at Langley, there's nothing coming over the wall at us. That's a fact. No one with an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) is shooting at us, no mortars are coming in," Duplease said. "But they'll see something in a video feed that maybe they can't do anything to prevent. They have no power to intervene,M3i Zero, but they have the repeated visual exposure to these things. They're constantly immersed in carnage, but it's not a video game. It's real,17832."

    According to Duplease, the analysts may also have to cope with feelings of helplessness, frustration and regret watching an operation on the ground and see something happen — or see someone injured hurt or killed — and they couldn't do anything to prevent it.

    The airmen at Langley can't talk publicly about the details of their work because it's classified.

    "The stuff they're watching is crazier than the news cycle," Duplease said. "Life outside of here goes on, but life behind the veil is totally different and adjustments have to be made. Sometimes they have trouble with those adjustments."

    In fact, Sperry and Duplease suggested that not being on the front lines may actually contribute to the stress.

    "They are electronically in the fight in the deployed area every minute," Sperry said. "They make life and death decisions every day, then they go home and have to play mom or dad ... Sometimes things can be depressing for them."

    Troops fighting in Afghanistan, for example, only have to focus on the combat jobs they are doing, Duplease said. The airmen,http://www.celine-tokyo.org, on the other hand, spend 12 hours immersed in the fight, then go home to what are supposed to be normal lives. But they often can't talk about what they did or saw all day because the operations are classified.

    There is a slowly emerging recognition within the military that those combined pressures affect the troops who battle the war from afar in some of the same ways that strain forces on the front lines. The most recent public acknowledgement of the issue came recently when the Pentagon created a new medal for remote warfare personnel. But that has caused some resentment among traditional warriors because it is ranked above the Purple Heart or Bronze Star.

    The idea to put a chaplain inside the center came from unit commander Col. Mike Shortsleeve and other leaders who noticed that some members of the wing were having problems sleeping and that smoking, alcohol and behavioral issues were increasing. In surveys, airmen also suggested there was a need for having a chaplain in the unit.

    According to Duplease and Sperry, moving around the operations center during each day's 12-hour shifts helps get the troops more comfortable with their presence and encourage them to reach out for help. Duplease, who said he also attended mission briefings, said slowly people began to approach him and after about two months, the interactions really began to pick up.

    Many of the analysts are as young as 21, and may not yet have developed the ability to deal with the stress. And they worry that revealing their problems could prompt commanders to take away their security clearances or hurt their promotion opportunities.

    In response, Duplease and Sperry created sleep classes and counseling sessions, and they have scheduled retreats for married couples and singles to help instill relationship and coping skills. They also are assuring the airmen that to date no one there has lost his or her security clearance as a result of seeking any counseling or assistance.

    The success of the Langley program has prompted the Air Force to look at ways to replicate it at other locations around the country.

    "We are trying to be proactive rather than reactive," said Duplease. "We want to get ahead of things before become major issues."


    Lolita C. Baldor can followed on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/lbaldor