

Justin Tim Black, musical activities started again!The album will also be?
actor industry very enthusiastic on the other hand, musical activities is still "a predetermined state without" continued Justin Tim Black (Justin Timberlake), finally enthusiasts expect music to open.The new issue, soon, relations were known, the new album will be published shortly.

published 2006 "FutureSex / LoveSounds" and second year tour, music event dormant state.Justin Tim Black.Last ally Tim Baran (Timbaland) and recording things being conveyed, Tim Baran right-hand active producer Jim · have (Jim Beanz) "the United States of America home, Tim Baran's new" Shock 3 ", Justin Timbberlake's" project "help will enter the" say, finally new work?Argument, but then Justin PR, Tim Baran and making things is the fact that "new scheduled."Reports completely denied.

but the start of the week, Florida Broadcasting Bureau "in Justin Tim Black's new single, released Monday 14 days" news.Tim Baran, as Jay · Z (Jay - Z) invited as guests conveyed.Justin Twitter "continued on Thursday January 10, 2013, at nine one in the morning" - micro-blog, song 10 was released?And reports.In fact the United States time same time is published the song, but he entered the recording studio "ready."To sue for wind video was publicly, music activities started out again.

the more specific information has not been released officially, the United States Bilboard magazine, Justin Timbberlake has 20 songs about recording new end, relevant personnel album sold nearly confessed.Justin Tim Black is a biyonse (Beyonce) and artist studio thing being conveyed, however, Beyonce GQ magazine interview her about new Justin Tim Black in recognition.In addition, in October last year to actress Jessica · beer (Jessica Beal) held the wedding, the new wife is also disclosed to be communicated with outside, Jessica starred in the film music director has.Related articles [] Beyonce Jay Z artist artist intelligence information Justin Timberlake artist Timbaland artist intelligence intelligence
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